Enrg. John Philip N. Cabañero
The one-on-one coaching helped me understand how powerful mindset towards achieving our goals and having a better outlook in life. I was once a timid and inferior young professional who easily gets discouraged and intimidated by my more experienced colleagues. Whenever things did not pan out the way I want it, I felt depressed and anxious because I got to see people who did the same work and succeed. My self-esteem was at an all-time low. I hated the feeling that I was not as good as them. I was slowly detaching myself from the work environment I was into. But with Haraya Coaching, my coach, Coach Jackie, taught me how to properly deal with stress at work by providing tips on how to handle it and, more importantly, by shifting the perspective that would help me understand the situation with clarity. She provided systematic approach per issue we discussed. She made me realize that everything can be dealt with for as long as you have a strong mindset. Week per week, session per session, Coach Jackie guided me on how to overcome the hurdles and doubts. And as weeks progressed, I saw a difference on how I view my colleagues and my work. I achieved my goals – one target after another. I was slowly getting my groove at work and I became confident to face any challenge. I did not even notice that I was even helping my colleagues change their views towards the hardships thrown at them. In a short span of time, I felt that 180-degree change within me. I am truly elated to be part of this coaching experience. I will forever use what I have learned to lead and inspire my colleagues and my family and friends. At the end of the day, if we will always have the right mindset, we can do anything. Thank you, Haraya Coaching for helping me be the best version of myself!