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How to Adapt to the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic created huge disturbance in our lives, it brought uncertainty in our work and family lives. Without a clear end in sight and with the daily changes, many are struggling to adjust to the new normal. From social distancing to practicing good hygiene these become part of our daily lives. A fast-changing environment has meant a greater need for us to be adaptive. This can be challenging, because we never experienced this degree of change in life before.

Here are some tips on how to adapt to the new normal.

Break it down

Don’t view the new normal as a rapid change, instead view this period as a small chapter in your life to make it less stressful and manageable. A chapter in your life is not your whole life, this will give you a sense of control on what you should do during this helpless situation. This pandemic situation can be difficult but we can adjust our expectations to cope up with the current chapter of our lives.

Respond instead of react

Accept the things that you can change during these new normal and avoid reacting to the situations that is beyond your control. Try to find positivity in life’s challenges and make the best of it. For instance, during this new normal you may not be able to operate your business in compliance with the government try to explore new things by making your business active online. This will give you the opportunity discover new things. Try to sweeten up sour situations by responding instead of reacting.

Choose Gratitude

You may find it difficult to adjust to the new normal, but always try to focus on the positive sides of your life, by focusing on the brighter side you can overcome the negativity that can destroy you. Make it a daily habit to practice compassionate heart that chooses gratitude. You can pray, meditate and speak your gratitude to your loved ones.

Practice self-care

If you feel down mentally and physically. You cannot avoid struggles in your life, but you can handle the struggle by engaging in self-care. You may try sleeping properly, mindful eating, exercise and meditating. Avoid negativity and separate yourself from anything that drains your energy. Don’t ignore your health because no one will look after you but yourself. Always try to be the best version of yourself every day.

These are some helpful tips to help you adjust this new normal, keep in mind that change is part of life whether you like or hate it you should accept change. Keep in mind that you are not alone in this situation. If you are having trouble adjusting to the new normal reach out for help.

Here at Haraya Coaching we are here to help you help yourself especially during this new normal. “Despite being limited to online training sessions nowadays, Haraya’s program effectively catered to the needs of our volunteers for the OVP Community Learning Hubs (OCLH)”- Cariz Peregrino. Reach us through http://harayacoaching.com/connect-with-us/ for us to help you keep going despite the ongoing situation. We partner closely with our clients in defining success, gaining a deeper awareness of what’s most important to them and co-creating a customized approach. We also believe that true collaboration entails seeing our clients through to execution of their plans by establishing a strong follow-up process.

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    Juan Dela Cruz

    "Morbi imperdiet lacinia nibh fringilla blandit. Nunc rutrum lobortis ligula imperdiet tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

    Integer a justo eu est gravida tempor. Duis feugiat, odio non pretium tristique, lacus dui ultrices lacus, rutrum feugiat tellus lorem feugiat velit."

    Juan Dela Cruz, Teacher
  • "/>
    Juan Dela Cruz

    "Morbi imperdiet lacinia nibh fringilla blandit. Nunc rutrum lobortis ligula imperdiet tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

    Integer a justo eu est gravida tempor. Duis feugiat, odio non pretium tristique, lacus dui ultrices lacus, rutrum feugiat tellus lorem feugiat velit."

    Juan Dela Cruz, Teacher
  • "/>
    Juan Dela Cruz

    "Morbi imperdiet lacinia nibh fringilla blandit. Nunc rutrum lobortis ligula imperdiet tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

    Integer a justo eu est gravida tempor. Duis feugiat, odio non pretium tristique, lacus dui ultrices lacus, rutrum feugiat tellus lorem feugiat velit."

    Juan Dela Cruz, Teacher
  • "/>
    Juan Dela Cruz

    "Morbi imperdiet lacinia nibh fringilla blandit. Nunc rutrum lobortis ligula imperdiet tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

    Integer a justo eu est gravida tempor. Duis feugiat, odio non pretium tristique, lacus dui ultrices lacus, rutrum feugiat tellus lorem feugiat velit."

    Juan Dela Cruz, Teacher
  • "/>
    Juan Dela Cruz

    "Morbi imperdiet lacinia nibh fringilla blandit. Nunc rutrum lobortis ligula imperdiet tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

    Integer a justo eu est gravida tempor. Duis feugiat, odio non pretium tristique, lacus dui ultrices lacus, rutrum feugiat tellus lorem feugiat velit."

    Juan Dela Cruz, Teacher