How to Transform your Life?
In the previous entry of TJ Nadres about Transformation, he shared his journey of changes in his personal life and relationships. In this post, we summarized coaching tips from Haraya Coaches when asked how to achieve transformation in your life.
Coaching Tips: How to Transform your life?
- When was the last time you did something for the first time? Step out of the comfort zone to experience something new in the courage zone and be surprised with what else you’re capable of.
- Believe in opportunities. If you have a mindset of looking at situations as opportunities to learn or grow versus things that “always seem to happen to you,” you have much more room for transformation.
- What are you thankful for in your life? Having an attitude of gratitude leads to more blessings appreciation
- Take baby steps. Instead of waiting for the big change, take smaller steps that bring you closer to where you want to go. Baby steps, as long as they are headed in the right direction, will eventually get you there.
- Surround yourself with people who add value to your life. If you find yourself around people who drain you and bring you down, find new people to hang around. You become the average of the people you spend most time with so make it count.
- Pursue your goals and enjoy the process. Goals are important they give us direction and purpose. While pursuing your goals always check in with yourself and think about the person you are becoming in the process of achieving your goals. Goals transform us.
- “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Our form constantly evolves and new experiences stretch our mind, body and spirit. What new experience has shaped you?
- What new perspective can you focus on today? Celebrate every circumstance; triumphs or trials both offer learning and growth opportunities.
- Be clear on what’s most important. Every day we make choices about what to do with our time and how to spend your energy. If your purpose and values are clear, the choices shouldn’t be too difficult to make.
- Hire a Coach. I’ve had some really valuable conversations with my own Coach, especially when it came to making difficult life decisions or sorting out things I feel stuck with. Everyone could use a Coach, including Coaches.