10 Reasons Why You Need a Life Coach
At age 2-4, the only thing you do is complain about food or cry over toys, things you barely can remember. At age 5-10, your life is completely at bliss – no worries about getting greased or hurt. At age 12-16, a lot of your “firsts” happened. You made lots of friends, and memories, set your goals in 10 years and made a couple of unimaginable mistakes. You also once wished to skip four years of college and constantly dream about having your first day at work.
Forward to 10 years later, you just got hired on your second official job after getting your degree. Then you realize while having lunch alone that working your butt off for eight hours a day isn’t somehow worth it. Every night, while in bed, you stare at your blank ceiling and reminisce your naïve and innocent self. Then suddenly you just want old times back.
No matter which lens you look at, life is hard. It’s a slowly developing chaos that will slap our faces one day. You can’t step through thick rain without having the best foundations to guide you through the day. That’s where good life coaching comes in.
If you really want to succeed at whatever you are aiming for, a valuable life coach is instrumental to that. Here are other 10 core reasons why you need a life coach today:
Trouble setting up your goals
Having a life coach will help you find powerful reasons why you need to set goals and pursue them. Knowing what you really want in life or what you want to achieve is harder if you have no one to talk it through. A little conversation will offer you fresh perspectives and definitions of your goals and empower you to continue fighting for it rather than keeping it in your own little bubble forever.
Get rid of unhelpful beliefs
Life is a bumpy ride. All kinds of rocks and stones are ready to take you down along your path. It may come as a surprise but these hindrances are not often caused by external things. More often, it’s our very selves that keep us away from our goals. A life coach will guide you on how to understand and work through these beliefs so you can move forward.
One day you will realize that you have already outgrown yourself.
Don’t know where to begin?
Feeling lost or nowhere to go? We sometimes get stuck into the idea of success or wanting to achieve something but we feel so helpless and crowded that it continues to just be an idea.
Big dreams are overwhelming. Life coaches will actively listen to your personal struggles and guide you through to your starting point.
Anxiety and stress will be your long-standing guests
Stress is a constant part of life. Even the richest of the richest and prettiest of the prettiest go through it. It comes when you have failed at something or are struggling to get something done. It also happens when our minds are so crowded and unorganized that our brain cells are shouting “pull yourself together”.
Having someone to organize your thoughts with you and help you move forward on some disappointing or disheartening events will help you get past the drama of life.
Unable to see a clear vision
At some point, things will definitely get blurry, especially when you feel like someone’s dictating your dreams or you are living according to how others want you to. Everyday is a battle of “I want this” and “they want that”. This is why things are getting messed up.
A life coach will help you cut through all the cacophony inside your head so you can focus and adhere to yours. Dealing with this just by yourself can just smoke up your mind and make you do things you never liked in the first place. One day you will look back and thank God for having someone help you to surface your true self and lead you to where you want to be.
Finances, health, relationships, career is in complete disarray
If you consider yourself completely detached from all the good things in life, then you need help. When everything is so messed up, you may just end up fiddling your hair in disarray thinking how can you start again. Many people get unravel because they choose to keep their problems to themselves.
It’s really difficult to walk through a room with no little light or without a flashlight in your pocket. It’s a struggle. You would end up falling to your feet and get hurt. But for as long as you have a flashlight to guide you, you can continue moving forward. A life coach can be your flashlight.
Passion is gone
Losing your passion isn’t the same as losing life. It’s heartbreaking to be forced to let go of something we love doing but always know that there are things that you haven’t tried yet which you might love. Sometimes we have to lose something so better things can come.
Life coach’s ultimate goal is to let you realize your full potential and let you grow to be someone you are destined to be.
Distracted or sidetracked
Oftentimes, we get stuck spinning our wheels because of things that aren’t necessarily helpful but we just can’t seem to quit. These bad habits can completely debilitate you from achieving anything.
Your life coach will help unearth those bad habits slowly and replace them with good ones – with habits that will give way to growth and success.
Your friends and family don’t support your dreams
This is by far the hardest of all. It’s really hard to get on track with your dreams if the people who are supposed to cheer you up are the ones that throw stones at you. Unless they support you, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. How will you move forward having no one to pat you on your back and tell you, you are doing great?
Your life coaches will fill in that responsibility. They can serve as your support system.
When all is gone
Sometimes you wonder, why is the universe so against you? And you repel every positive thing that tries to enter your life because you are just too tired to go on. It’s the lowest and hardest phase of life so you need someone to pull you through darkness. When you are hopeless, you need someone to give you a leap of faith and hope.
Life is a tricky old friend. One day it’s about sunshine and rainbows and the next, it’s all darkness. Life is a constant cycle of ups and downs and sometimes you just need someone to help get you ready for what’s up ahead. At Haraya, we see everyone’s individuality and potential and help them become the best version of themselves. Curious to see what your best self is like? Shoot us a message and let’s talk it out!