Pep Squad Events & Marketing Services
About seven years ago, our company was in a slump. I just had my second child and had challenges finding a reliable babysitter while my business partner took her masters in entrepreneurship. We were preoccupied with our own lives and just could not align for our company. Our discussions always led to dead ends with the resolution to close the company after we finish paying off our loans.
Pride aside, we both really wanted for Pep to keep on, so I sought out Haraya Coaching and that is how Jackie, my partner Tia and I ended up having coffee at the most tita of venues… Mary Grace in Greenbelt. One meet-up and all Jackie said was, “I don’t see the conflict – you both want the same thing but saying so in different ways!”
After that defining moment, we met Lea and TJ in the succeeding sessions. Haraya helped us prioritize what’s important for Pep which also means letting go of opportunities that are not aligned with our goals (like a gas company event that objectifies women).
Years later, Haraya is still our go-to not just for Pep, but also for clients with coaching or training requirements. We are happy how they always accommodate us and our clients no matter how small the project (ex. pharma activations in the provinces). After all, Haraya was the one that taught us how ego has no place in synergy.